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Fight Slåss
Blood Blod
Violence Vold
Enlightement – Ascension


The feast with Odin is approaching.
Beautiful valkyries and smell of mead

Like mead spilled on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe dull and dint

Like mead split on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe Valhalla rising

Бой Kampf
Кровь Blut
Насилие Gewalt
Просвещение - Вознесение

Пир с Одином приближается
Bалькирии прекрасные аромат медовухи


Like mead spilled on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe dull and dint

Like mead split on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe Valhalla rising


Kampf Fight
Blut Blood
Gewalt Violence
Aufklärung - Aufstieg

Brothers in arms A never-ending feast
The gate is opening Joy and happiness


Like mead spilled on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe dull and dint

Like mead split on a stone
And rattle of pebbles in the wind
Soul without body skin and bone
The metal of axe Valhalla rising