  1. Beltaine
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So here we are.
Waiting for the sun.
Let's go. Now.
Our day has come.
We're just in time.
The end of winter days.
You can hear the music.
There is our place.


Les feux sont allumés,
ça déchire grave.
Si tu veux un résumé.
La bière est dans la cave.
Allez! C'est la fête!
Plus jamais le mêmes.
Presque tout est autorisé.
c'est comme ça que je t'aime.


Come on! Let´s dance!
Shut up and keep the beat.
This night is really magical.
A lot of people in the street.
Let's have a good rocking.
The Beltaine Feast is back.
My shoes are red.
My Beltaine hat is black.


C'est parti pour la fête.
The Beltaine Feast is back
C'est le temps de l'amour.
With my lady in black.

Party time coming up.
The Beltaine Feast is back.
It's time for love.
With my lady in black.